The Chemical Engineering Department has a long tradition testified by industry and civil society and whose quality and rigor are recognized. The profound changes that its courses have suffered in the last decades are the reflection of its constant concern to respond with high professionalism and sense of duty to the new paradigms of higher education and the challenges that the permanent scientific knowledge research imply.

Our courses are structured in two cycles, according to the Bologna process.

Both courses are accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) and the Degree and Master in Chemical Engineering has the European quality label EUR-ACE, awarded by the portuguese Ordem dos Engenheiros.

Aware of the surrounding context - a world of limited resources, where technological innovation is discovering new ways to value, recycle and reuse biological resources - the Department offers a Degree in Bioresources. This innovative BSc in Portugal has its first edition in 2015-2016,  granting  the opportunity for future graduates to work in areas of strong expansion.



The Master in Bioresources started in 2018-2019 and the objectives are:

  • To train professionals capable of implementing and promoting a circular economy;
  • To enhance agri-food and marine resources for the development of new bioproducts and biomaterials with added value;
  • To apply biotechnology to the rational use and sustainable management of bio-resources
  • To provide professionals with skills in the field of green technologies and the environment;
  • To develop skills in the areas of quality management, entrepreneurship and technology transfer
  • To foster creative, critical and autonomous capacities in order to be able to make the most appropriate decisions in face of concrete problems, to be able to manage and guide the execution of projects, and to be able to manage and guide work on process development and valorization of (bio) products.